Deprecations & Migration Guide


The <Image /> component and the renderImage API have been removed in the v0.6.0 release.

And the Vite plugin now can’t be registered directly. Instead, you have to add the Astro integration provided in the latest release in your astro.config.mjs file. The integration will handle registering the plugin and the other required things automatically.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import { astroImageTools } from "astro-imagetools";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [astroImageTools],


The <Image /> component and the renderImage API have been deprecated in favor of the new <Img /> and <Picture /> components and the renderImg and renderPicture APIs.

Currently, the <Image /> component and the renderImage API are still available in the astro-imagetools package for backward-compatibility. They are aliased to the <Picture /> component and the renderPicture API respectively.

They will be removed in the upcoming minor releases of Astro ImageTools. So, please migrate to the new <Img /> and <Picture /> components and the renderImg and renderPicture APIs as soon as possible.

Note: According to the Semantic Versioning standard, any minor release before v1.0.0 is considered breaking.